It has almost been 24 hours and I am already missing my cousin! She flew back to Jakarta yesterday after spending 3 weeks from her summer break in and out of Singapore. The times that we had together was endless! I can't wait to see her again this December, together will all of my dear cousins! We're going to have so much fun together!
Wishing her all the best in her GCSEs! Everyone in Singapore will be supporting you all the way!! All the best and good luck!! |
Have you ever felt confused in getting what you want but in the end you feel as though it wasn't meant for you? That is how I feel and I can't get it out of my head. It's ironic and stupid at the same time that I don't feel satisfied that I pass. I feel as though I should fail instead... and that has made me confused the whole day after I went through my clinical practical this morning.
From the beginning of it, I was fumbling and nervous. I made quite a few mistakes which should be taken seriously but I passed it all! I cannot understand what made me pass this practical! I know that you guys think that I'm crazy of not being happy that I made it through the practical. However, there is this tiny voice inside of me that keeps on bickering that I should have failed... and it is true in a way....
Whatever! I should feel happy that I did it though. I don't know what made me cry just now but I'm going to do my best and try to brush up on my mistakes. As the saying always says: Learn from your mistakes and you'll be successful! |

Okay... I know that I am not supposed to blog.... but I just can't help it! I went to Amazon.com and freaked out when I saw the covers for GOSSIP GIRL # 10 and THE IT GIRL # 3!!! But mind you... it's not on sale right now. It would be in DECEMBER for GOSSIP GIRL and FEBRUARY for THE IT GIRL. Just to let you know... these two books are written by the same author! So you'll know what you're in for!! I have pictures to show you the covers!! ENJOY!! |
Hey guys!! I'm sad to say that this will be the last time I'll be blogging... temporarily. I've seen my results and it was below expectations. So now I'll be studying real hard for my coming exams and will try my best not to have so many distractions around me.
Anyway... I've sort of like added my own "radio-station" to my blog. You can check it out at the bottom. Just scroll down and you'll see this station. Click onto "Select station" and click "pOp HitS"... I know.. Lame... haha... Enjoy!! |
I'm feeling sore all over again! My legs are aching after all the running yesterday. I went to Sentosa with my group of friends for an event organised by our Student Body. We had to run all around Sentosa to search for clues. It's some sort like an Amazing Race cum Treasure Hunt.
We started at 9 in the morning. The first clue was easy. It was near Fort Siloso. After reaching that checkpoint, we had to do an activity. The activity was to drink Coca-Cola mixed with coffee and dark soya sauce. I didn't drink it though cos I won't feel awake if I drink coffee but the other way around... I'll sleep!
So after that checkpoint, we received another clue. And that clue was the worst of all... we spent 4 hours searching for the clue. We travelled around Sentosa by taking the bus... after so many hours searching, we asked for a hint and found out that we actually went to that place before but didn't think of it! In that activity, we had to find 8 Chinese chess pieces that were hidden in the forest. It was really annoying when other members took the clues with them and we were there searching endlessly for them! Really hate them!! But thank god they were caught and we were able to finish our activity.
The next clue was really sucked!! We had to find a "viewing window" which was at the summit of Mount Imbia. First of all, we didn't know that there was even a hill called Mount Imbia! Secondly, it was very, very tiring walking up the steep slope and thirdly, the activity they gave us was really damn stupid and ridiculous. We were given a bar of soap and we were to disslove the soap from a solid to nothing. It may seem easy to you but there was a catch... no water can be used. So we scrubbed the soap on our bodies by using our saliva... haha.... i know disgusting! Two of my friends even ate the soap!! At the end... they can still feel the soap in their mouth! I heard that some groups used their vomit and urine!! Double.. no... triple ewww!!!
After that we had checkpoints where we were to skip 25 times consecutively with the skipping rope at 4 ends. The checkpoint that I loved was the one at the Herb and Garden spice. We were given to liquids to drink. The first one was very bitter but the second one made our bitterness in our mouth fade. Really nice...
In the end... we didn't win anything cause we didn't finish all 14 stations and nobody told us that we would not be qualified for the ranking if we come later than 4.30 in the evening. We felt that the facilitators sabotage us!!
Anyway... I think that's all. Better stop blogging... I need to finish my project due Thursday! Ciao |
School ended early for once on a Friday! Yeah!! My bio and nursing science lectures were cancelled which was a "jump for joy" for me! Finally... after so many days of going home late, I'm finally able to reach home early!
Tomorrow my cousin from Jakarta will be here for her summer holidays!! Can't wait to see her but I'll be in Sentosa... running around... hehe...
By the way... I'm sure you guys already know about Straits Times "STOMP"? I went there and they post really cool blogs! The most recent one that I have read was about 12 year-olds needing handphones. You should read it.. it's some sort true. Are the younger generation nowadays getting pampered? I have a cousin who is in Sec 1 this year and he already has a laptop! As for me, I haven't yet received a laptop but he already has! Why does a Sec 1 need a laptop when he's not going to bring it to school and already has a computer at home? I really don't know why he's being pampered so much...
Alright... well I guess I should stop blabbering. Time has already been wasted surfing the computer while it can be used for something useful... hehe... talk about discipline... |
Here I am, in my school library, waiting until the time stretches to 6.30 for a briefing about a NYP event that I signed up for. The event is called "Downtown Escapade" which would be held in Sentosa this Saturday. This event is some sort like "Amazing Race" but we would be running all around Sentosa. I can't wait for it... gotta be something fun and interesting.
Today, I had my HS1028 lecture, a nursing module - Nursing Through The Lifespan. The lecture was on Primary Health Care in Singapore Today. I learned about how the health industry here grows from something small into something well known around the world.
There were also some topics that I've learned in Social Studies before that benefits me. For example, the 3Ms - Medisave, Medishield and Medifund and also the growing ageing population. I learned that in 24 years time, which would be 2030, the ratio for the child to support the parent will be 3:2. Scary isn't it? So the solution... have more babies!! Hahaha.
Alright... I think it's time for me to stop blogging and continue studying!! Gotta keep my head in those large books... haha... see ya |
Today many wonderful things happen and some bad ones too. Firstly, I get to wake up late and start school late!! Yeah!! Secondly, I finally received the starter kit for nurses, a stethoscope and a blood pressure kit after so many days, weeks and months waiting for it! At last I could do some practices on it before my clinical lab examinations.
Okay... so the bad news is... I finally know my clinical attachment and I'm posted to a hospital in Novena... TTSH!! I'm living in Pasir Ris and I will have to travel so far... sob sob. I wanted to go to Changi but didn't get it. It's really weird... they post students to hospitals that are further away from their area where they live. My friends live in central, west and they are posted to Changi... really pity them.
Oh well... can't do anything about it. It's the experience that counts not the time taken to travel.... Okay... so better stop bloggin.. gotta do my project.. ciao! |
So I went to AnimeLyrics.com and decided to post the lyrics of the song that is playing in my blog. It has been translated in English.
FIRST LOVEUtada Hikaruthe last kiss tasted like tobacco a bitter and sad smell
tomorrow, at this time where will you be? who will you be thinking about?
you are always gonna be my love even if I fall in love with someone once again I'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song
the paused time is about to start moving there's many things that I don't want to forget about
tomorrow, at this time I will probably be crying I will probably be thinking about you
you will always be inside my heart you will always have your own place I hope that I have a place in your heart too now and forever you are still the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song
you are always gonna be my love even if I fall in love with someone once again I'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song
Just ended my bio practical today. What can I say about it... well... practically nothing. It was either easy, manageable or difficult... you decide. The only thing me and my friends were confused about are the radius and ulna bones and the tibia and the fibula bones. The bones are seperated from one another and we are like trying to figure out which one is it when it all looks the same. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about... forget what I just typed.. hehe
Anyway last Saturday, I watched Superman with my cousins and Eunice. I had 9 tickets since my mom bought it from her office and so it was just nice. Me, my brother, my cousins, Eunice, her brother and his girlfriend, Mel. I wasn't really esctatic of watching it. I thought it was boring but it wasn't. First of all, Superman is an eye-candy... LOL. Eunice who sat beside me kept on gushing about how handsome he was during the movie... and I was just nodding, too preoccupied with Superman's coiled hair! Joking... haha
Just a few more weeks then it's exam time followed by 2 months break!! YEAH!! And during those two months I'm going to read all the way!! I can't wait for the sequels of various books that will be coming in soon... one of them which I have been anticipatingly waiting is New Moon and the recent one that I've just found out is The A-List. I hope by the middle of July, the sequel to The It-Girl - Notorious will be out!! I just can't wait!!