It's only the first week of school and I'm bored and restless. I really need to get use to waking up early! I was supposed to meet up with all my cousins but it was canceled the last minute so I ended up going with Jija instead. We had lots of fun right Ja? Though we only ate Long John's... hehe. And apparently, she's one of an observant cousin. Not only is she art student but she observes people around her! I only get to know that both my brother and my cousin, Hidhir are head-turners to girls!! OMG!! Well I can't believe that cos they're family and you see them almost everyday so you can't judge whether they're cute or ugly. :P
Anyway, Jija told me that she brought this flyer to school where my bro was in it. He just finished acting in his hall play and I gotta say, he can act! Thought he would be very stiff. Anyway, she showed the picture of my bro to her friends and they were gushing about him!! They say he's hot, he's good looking and these comments came from the "popular" girls or so she says... So when I heard that I was like "Serious! You must be joking!"It was just weird... to me! He's my brother after all!! Should I look at him like an eye-candy? That'll be gross and disgusting at the same time!
Furthermore, I was in laughter when she told me that Hidhir himself is attractive to girls! She showed his picture and all the girls said he is CUTE!! He's my bloody cousin!! I don't know whether is he good-looking, cute or not! I see him almost everyday!? Alright, never mind. I'll post the best looking pictures of both my brother and Hidhir and you decide. Are they good-looking / cute or just average or no comments... I really need to know. I'm still shocked by all this!! BUT... no offence, I didn't mean to insult them both. They're family and I believe that all my cousins are good-looking but I just can't believe that they attract girls!! I thought these girls will be looking out for those really over the top model look alikes! Anyway, you decide!! Hidhir's the one on the top and beside me is his sister, Afiqah. My brother is the one on the right and beside him is my cousin, Aiman. He looks a bit like Ari Wibowo don't you think? |