More Holiday Fun!!! |
Damn! I've forgotten to bring my camera along today for the class gathering! It was fun by the way and I brought my cousin, Adnan along. Teehee. Eunice booked a chalet at the Changi Yacht Club and well it's creepy! We were at the site where the Old Changi Hospital is and even though we alighted from the bus stop in broad daylight, I still felt goosebumps especially with the old CH looming over the hilltops. I still remembered that my late grandfather was once warded there as I used to live opposite the Changi Prison. So when my father came to fetch us, we were surprised that further on, there's actually civilization! Lights, hawker food and more lights! The place that we were in was just too dim for my liking! I fear dark places!!
Anyway, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to attend another gathering and this time, I've packed my camera inside my bag so that I won 't forget!! I'll be going to Sentosa tomorrow and I think I'll be wearing jeans... too bad I don't have any appropriate attire to wear!! T_T
Oh well... hope it won't rain tomorrow... signing off!! |