It's been quite a "stressful" week. Not much things went on but only a few presentations here and there. I'm feeling restless after finishing Deathly Hallows and I'm restricting myself from reading anymore books until after my exams! But I can't seem to control myself when the third novel by Stephenie Meyer's coming out this August 7th!
Twilight fans everywhere are anticipating for this date where they can finally read Eclipse after two years have gone by with New Moon and Twilight. Well, it was really generous of Stephenie to post the first chapter of Eclipse on her website. (Name one other author who would do that?!) But sadly I have not read it yet. I'm still thinking of ordering the book from Borders and at the same time, apply for the membership card. So now I have discounts from Borders, Kinokuniya and Times! So many book stores to go too!
ANYWAY, I've checked my time-table for next week and I don't have to attend school for most of the days! Even if I have to, it's only for a few hours!! I better take all this precious time and study for my exams. Oh well, I have to do my very best for this one!!
---------------- Now playing: Hilary Duff - Stranger via FoxyTunes |