I've just watched the latest episode of HEROES on StarWorld and I was shocked yet relieved at the same time. Claire who is played by Hayden Panettiere is alive!! If you're someone who watched HEROES.. then you'll understand. But to those who didn't.. well Claire was supposed to be dead through the visions of this painter, Isaac, who can paint the future. Isaac painted a cheerleader dead with the top of her head gone and it came true BUT it wasn't Claire who was dead. The murdered cheerleader was Claire's cheerleader mate and the murderer is Syler who in a way is kinda killing all the HEREOS out there for a reason I'm unsure of yet!
When Syler realised that he got the wrong cheerleader, he gave chase to Claire and Claire bumped to Peter Petrelli (another HERO) who is in her school cause he has to "Save The Cheerleader, Save The World" whom he got the message from another hero that came from the future. In this episode, Isaac painted a picture of Peter dead in front of Claire's school and I seriously thought he was DEAD but he was ALIVE after a rather high fall. Shockingly, he woke up and fixed his broken bones together just like Claire. For those who are unsure, Claire in away can re-generate herself once she is killed, shot, burned or what nots. So Peter had the same power as Claire BUT he does not know what is his primary super-powers because he can fly like his brother, paint the future like Isaace and re-generate himself like Claire. So in all, he is like Rouge from X-Men.. absorb other peoples' power just by standing near to them. How cool is that!?
So yeah.. this week's episode is about the premonition coming true... NOT haha!! Oh well.. can't wait for next week's episode!! |