I'm darn happy right now!! I've made my own collage from my own blood and sweat... okay well that's too dramatic... LOL. The collage that I made consists of all the Gossip Girl covers and it's super-cool... well that's because I MADE IT!!. It all started when I surfed the net to see all the Gossip Girl covers and an idea came up to me! I was heartbroken when my Adobe Photoshop's contract expired but thank god for Microsoft Photo Editor!. I edited the pictures and came out with this B-E-A-U-TIFUL collage! I had troubling saving it at first but it came out all right!! Well... with no further adue... I present to you my collage!!
 Like it?? I planned to make it into a blog skin... but that would have to wait... cos I need to know the basics on how to make the template... LOL... |