Had a very interesting lecture today on Nursing Science 1026 on Fundamentals of Nursing. Before we eneded our lecture, Ms Tan showed us a video called Crossroads. Its about a nurse called Kate Shaw who's being stressed by the job and feel under appreciated. She felt like quitting the job but was stopped by the nurse manager.
Later, she found out that she wasn't the only one that felt like quitting. One of her friends was in the same situation as her but a visit to the director's office changed her. A simple compliment and appreciation can go a long way...
I really learned alot from this video. Me and my friends now see that nursing is not an easy job like doctors thinking that we're not doing our job, difficult and aggressive patients that we have to face... but one thing that has kept me inspired was a qoute I got from the video itself.
" Doctors cure but nurses care "
I guess its true. Without nurses, I don't think patients would be receiving enough care when there are no nurses around. So I guess I'm glad that I've taken this course without regret and of anybody's not feeling well.... just remember I'm just a phone calls away.... :P